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Silence invades the sections, data chase quickly, their faces pale, fatigue appears to play a tough election campaign until the last vote, in the air hovers disbelief mixed with a deep bitterness, yet another triumph of the anti-political and Berlusconi advertising.
The poor voter turnout data from the recount of an Italy tired and dispirited, disillusioned and ignorant at the same time, in the truest sense of not knowing what that is, to trust to chance or to the holy man of the moment, this is the first data to reflect upon as a defeat for the entire policy
The blow was hard now to regional and policies would be so many tests to do, rivers of ink will be thrown into this long after the regional elections, the first thing that appears clear is that the Democratic Party has not achieved the expected results in Lazio and expected more, although the case Marazzo the radical candidate Bonino was presented with a thick political culture well above the challenger Renata Polverini.
But praising the defeat of the Democratic Party and head of the Secretary Pierluigi Bersani, are the expression of criticism is not likely to get results and most often is carried out by "correntucole swamp" tending to blacken the work carried out in six months and the Democratic Party had become a non-party, a difficult entity to recognize and Bersani has managed to curb a decline that seemed unstoppable, his beheading was the ridiculous.
You can not risk to jettison the whole party, the Democratic Party remains the only real choice for innovative and courageous done in the past 20 years in the Italian political scene, the others were just political marketing operation made in the media, the union of two cultures that progressive left and the Catholic reform has been to realize the historic compromise as a political entity Berlinguer, a choice dictated by the new field needs to represent that looked out at the end of the 70 and Berlinguer was able to take far-sighted and only in the new millennium has found its realization party.
Today is not the party that should be rebuilt, but the attitudes of the militants, this site should be fostered democratic, we can not continue to attend this paradoxical situation that sees the Democratic Party take the form of a cake but can not increase its circumference, as each player tries to win the largest share, the electorate perceives the tensions seen in the various election campaigns, they give rise to harmful battles between the various candidates, and after the congress are to the current emperor and to impose their vetoes, is a reflection, is a bath of humility you can not even reopen the debate there is the risk of yet another explosion.
must therefore look into its enclosure in a critical way, taking the values \u200b\u200bof morality and commitment to the politics that have marked the history of the Italian left, starting to set goals that go beyond the electoral boards, launching of convincing proposals to Italians continue to see Berlusconi in a successful model, the problem is in finding a common political line and turning the key can be found working on a common political project and alternative.
mathematically analyzing the data with respect to European the PD is increased by two percentage points, and the game ended 7-6 for the regional center-left, but these data should not be bandied about as neither victory nor a phantom used for self-demolished, we must all work together within the same site , we need to eliminate a certain political parasite and the results will come, brick by brick, you begin to build up the victories in the territories, among the people, even at the cost of losing the next town, the next province, the next region, but only with a major project you will get great results, we begin to think about the future and start from us.