Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pharmaceutical Calculations Stoklosa 2010


Giacomo Stucchi

miscalculated who among the old and new opponents of the Government, believed to practice tricks on federalism from the First Republic. The largest reform of the history of the Republic can not in fact be used as a weapon of political blackmail, regardless of its contents. On these you can still discuss, but only to fine-tune some things and not to make melina pure parliamentary or political strategy. The dialogue between the Minister for Regulatory Simplification Roberto Calderoli and the heads of Anci, which currently focuses on particularly on aspects of the implementation decree of the municipal federalism, it must be so in the name of practicality and the desire to do. Well-being, in this sense, all possible contributions, but not to start again the whole process of approval of the reform, but only to introduce some modifications requested the ANC. We have stated in other actions that it is a structural reform that will change the setting of the whole system of relations between central and peripheral, it is right that fiscal federalism is shared as much as possible, both at parliamentary level administration. The point of our reform on the state of the art, however, as we are concerned, stop here. The sterile polemics of the usual spoilers that do not build anything but aim to destroy, not concern us. This is not a specious explanation, since it is known as among some political opposition forces there are those who would like to federalism were playing a different game. Work together on this path mean playing on the skin of the citizens and the legitimate expectations of change that they have put their own symbol of political reform in the Northern League, but I would say the entire government. Precisely for this reason groped to torpedo fiscal federalism is the most irresponsible can be done today in the political life and institutions of the country. The reform is to unite and not divide, to rationalize and not squander public resources, to improve and not worsen the quality of life for all citizens. Who wants to use them instrumentally should now be quite clear that neither Palace maneuvers, such as that of last December 14, which was to unseat the prime minister has failed miserably and instead letting the artists in a veritable state of confusion or media storm courts, such as Ruby on the case, whose revelations contained in court documents currently appear most useful to fill the pages of newspapers and television schedule than to build a concrete castle accusatory, stop a process of reform now unavoidable.


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