Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Steps By Step Procedure Of Lasik
GO AHEAD BUT the legal system and 'Long settlement
It 's a long political week that ends with a return to the Senate for the second vote of confidence, the so-called Decree Milleproroghe. A measure, not adopted by the majority for the first time and already in use with the center-left governments, as amended by the amendments (some bipartisan) arising from the parliamentary work, but on which the opposition is once again able to make a sterile controversy. Napolitano's remarks to the decree, in fact, were not and are not dictated by censorious spirit against the majority, as is the usual pundits would have you believe the left. Firstly because the provision in question was gradually changed in the classrooms and gentlemen, with the support of all political forces, and secondly because the president of the Republic, in his letter, did not place absolute veto. Well then Minister Tremonti has to climb the Hill to explain to the President of the contents of the maxi amendment tabled by the Government, which replaced the old text of the decree, and on which the Chamber voted confidence. The Senate, meanwhile, will remain open on Saturday to allow the final green light to the issue. Leaving the technical language but the point is that the parliamentary opposition, as always in this legislature has since begun to hope that we can throw down with the judicial Berlusconi has lost another opportunity to adopt a constructive attitude for the good of the country. Also on municipal federalism, as we saw with the vote in the Senate, the Government is following the path indicated by Napolitano and there is no reason to believe, especially after the recent utterances quirinalizie broadly in support of our reform, the existence of barriers preventing them from bringing about at home all the other decrees on fiscal federalism. Good point, in this sense, is certainly the thickening of the parliamentary group of the PDL and the consequent depletion of the Fli that, especially in the House, will likely balance of representation in both the Bicameral Commission, both in the permanent ones, and to therefore proceed without further hitches whatsoever. On everything that is happening in Parliament, but in relations between the institutions, there is to it, however, a general consideration. Should be in the interest of all political forces to recognize that our legal system in some passages is very cumbersome. Some "tricks" of legislation had indeed a sense in the early days of the Republic, when the system of checks and balances exorcised any temptation undemocratic, but today's politics, and especially the very short time within which it must give the same answers to meet the needs citizens, are profoundly changed.
Giacomo Stucchi
It 's a long political week that ends with a return to the Senate for the second vote of confidence, the so-called Decree Milleproroghe. A measure, not adopted by the majority for the first time and already in use with the center-left governments, as amended by the amendments (some bipartisan) arising from the parliamentary work, but on which the opposition is once again able to make a sterile controversy. Napolitano's remarks to the decree, in fact, were not and are not dictated by censorious spirit against the majority, as is the usual pundits would have you believe the left. Firstly because the provision in question was gradually changed in the classrooms and gentlemen, with the support of all political forces, and secondly because the president of the Republic, in his letter, did not place absolute veto. Well then Minister Tremonti has to climb the Hill to explain to the President of the contents of the maxi amendment tabled by the Government, which replaced the old text of the decree, and on which the Chamber voted confidence. The Senate, meanwhile, will remain open on Saturday to allow the final green light to the issue. Leaving the technical language but the point is that the parliamentary opposition, as always in this legislature has since begun to hope that we can throw down with the judicial Berlusconi has lost another opportunity to adopt a constructive attitude for the good of the country. Also on municipal federalism, as we saw with the vote in the Senate, the Government is following the path indicated by Napolitano and there is no reason to believe, especially after the recent utterances quirinalizie broadly in support of our reform, the existence of barriers preventing them from bringing about at home all the other decrees on fiscal federalism. Good point, in this sense, is certainly the thickening of the parliamentary group of the PDL and the consequent depletion of the Fli that, especially in the House, will likely balance of representation in both the Bicameral Commission, both in the permanent ones, and to therefore proceed without further hitches whatsoever. On everything that is happening in Parliament, but in relations between the institutions, there is to it, however, a general consideration. Should be in the interest of all political forces to recognize that our legal system in some passages is very cumbersome. Some "tricks" of legislation had indeed a sense in the early days of the Republic, when the system of checks and balances exorcised any temptation undemocratic, but today's politics, and especially the very short time within which it must give the same answers to meet the needs citizens, are profoundly changed.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Can You Make Herpes Outbreaks Worse By Exercising
Giacomo Stucchi
who believed, until a few days ago that the Government and the parliamentary majority that supports him paralyzed as a result of the initiative claims against the prime minister was wrong big now and is forced to revise its strategy. If the investigations had to have an effect on policy, until now this has been reflected in a re-consolidation of the PDL, where the escapees are now returning to Fli. For our part, we want to continue to think that these two things, the initiatives of the Government and the action of pm in Milan, will remain essentially at two different levels. Justice reform, for example, is not new but has deep roots that plunge even expressed in a popular vote at a special referendum. None intend to punish the judiciary, which as a whole does its duty, in Milan and elsewhere, but there is no doubt that the time characterizing the prosecution today, at least for most people, are really too long. The reform of the judicial system, moreover, was and is one of the main points of the program of the government, then it makes no sense the usual shouting opposition to an alleged scandal for having had a hand in this time. Rather, if we want to stay on the subject, it is not outrageous use of wiretaps in investigations, but the lack of a regulation that would prevent that they be given a meal in the press. A condition that results in a process media prior to that in the courtroom, with the difference that the ruling made by the public, even though they are eventually acquitted in the real process, has no appeal or clemency. All this is not worthy of a civilized country. Wrong again, those who now find that the prosecution may prevent the prime minister to carry out other reforms, above all those on federalism, but march that following a precise timetable. He put his soul in peace and then the old and new opponents of the Government, that the truth will become increasingly more, because until the Executive has the numbers will continue to complete the program and meet to all emergencies. Like that, most serious, which sees the North Africa explode like a powder keg as a result of popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and, most recently, Libya. An open front, near houses, which affects us directly for its economic but also social implications that can not see all the Western democracies nell'esecrare also involved the use of violence against civilians. Was right then Interior Minister Maroni to proclaim a state of alert, urging that Europe too is unfortunately, as always happens in these cases, it moves very slowly. It would be useful, however, that, at least in this crisis by unpredictable outcomes for all, a certain opposition to work to bury the hatchet with the government and avoid unnecessary manipulations that do not serve anyone or anything. In light of what is happening is then to say thank goodness there's a government.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How To Make Bathmate For Homemade
Giacomo Stucchi
The fact that Prime Minister Berlusconi and Economy Minister Tremonti will be presented together at a press conference to explain the government's plan for economic recovery, but also to give a bit 'of information on the fundamentals of our economy is very positive. Honors, above all, the Prime Minister is showing a deed not to be in quite different chores and busy to think about the country instead. Among the many things said, however, the subject of numerous questions from journalists, one in particular we wish to linger on and on about the transition economic dualism. Our country is in fact the sixth industrial power in the world, but has an economy strongly split in half: a north that is the richest region of Europe (and among the richest in the world), and a south that still has situations is strongly negative as gross domestic product, and as quality of service. From this analysis it follows the failure of economic policies so far conducted in the republic over the past decades, but also the responsibilities of a certain ruling class that to the south probably has not committed to the end to improve the situation on the ground and, therefore, the urgent necessity of having to change this state of affairs. Like it or not the only solution to this problem remains fiscal federalism, which is among others to empower more and more administrators and local leaders, but also to ensure that the whole economic system, based on the fact that one part of the country carries out the cart, sooner or later will implode. But to fiscal federalism, and then save all the economic and social system of our community, we need the numbers in Parliament. When our Federal Secretary said that if the Government has the numbers will go on, refers to the fact that in order to legislate is not enough just to have a majority in voting in Parliament but runs also obtain and consolidate all other parliamentary bodies, which are the Standing Committees has two chambers. Just so you can make quickly and well, in the time remaining of the current legislature, the Government's program that the majority had given in 2008. A program, mind you, that has not changed one iota but which was, unfortunately, was delayed and jeopardized by a component of the PDL, which is headed by the chairman of the House Fini, who at one point was sheltered from the majority. The result of these nefarious political choices are obvious of all. Finian not only put a strain on the government and legislative action, but I do not even find the agreement to them and may even have to dissolve the group of fli in the Senate. Whether or not this might mean a return disappointed in most of the party of Fini frankly we do not have the information either to confirm or to deny it and why remains valid Bossi's warning: if the government goes on the numbers .
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Nose Is Crooked On Camea
Giacomo Stucchi
The Bersani calling for the resignation of Prime Minister, and points the way for early elections, is a bit ' at odds with the Bersani who claims to dialogue on fiscal federalism. While not wishing to rise in defense of the President of the Council, which also already has a lot of lawyers, we can not avoid to point out that any request for a setback to Prime Minister made at this time is inconsistent with the presumption of innocence that goes recognized at all. In a rule of law, the fact that a citizen goes to trial, even with immediate rite, can not automatically translate into a conviction. From a purely political, the fact that the Secretary of the Democratic Party has proposed, from the pages of La Padania, a "pact on federalism," personally engaged "to continue the dialogue process with the League, "we do not believe to be the subject of scandal. Firstly because it is assumed that an interest in the finalization of the fiscal federalism is precisely that political party which had approved the reform of Title V of the Constitution, with results diametrically opposed to those that had been proposed, now sees an opportunity in our reform to recover the precious time lost. Second, because even on the left have understood that our movement is the only one who really wants to change the country and has provided the means to do so. From fiscal federalism, in fact, all political forces, right and left, taking the cue, and not the distance, whenever we discuss on how to abandon a central state and inefficient, which among other things accumulated a debt of record, and move towards a new understanding of public management closer to the real needs of citizens. Everyone recognizes the contents revolutionary reform and also the appeal that topics such as "standard costs, or management fees on the ground", have on citizens. Moreover, fiscal federalism is also a valid ground of political debate to talk about concrete things that really interest people. The right time to seriously confront the opposition in Parliament, leaving several justice-or exploited for electoral will occur as early as next week in the Senate with the debate on the scheme of legislative decree on municipal federalism. We'll see then if we discuss the merits of the reform, as indeed in this legislature has ever done before breaking the legal proceedings against Berlusconi, or whether it will continue to rely on the use of polls. We have always been ready to talk, and we continue to believe that the fiscal federation is the key to really change.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My Scorpio Seems To Be Losing Interest
Some people solace with wiretaps involving the prime minister, or with sterile polemics on the celebrations of the next March 17, but there's those who think the government will continue getting things done. The league belongs to the latter category. Government and the majority must go on, because the citizens deserve neither legislative nor the stalemate institutional paralysis. Of course, to see the timing of certain judicial decisions, out of the President of the Council, there are really some doubt. Again, while the prime minister was involved in a major political agenda, the Council of Ministers convened to approve the plan to open a new phase of economic development, arrived on time the demand for immediate trial pm. According to the Milan prosecutor's office there is in fact the "evidence" that nailing Berlusconi, accused of extortion and prostitution. While wanting to maintain the serenity of opinion on the whole story, we can not see, in this circumstance, as the procedural process and politics intertwine dangerously. The reality is that probably we are at a crossroads: going down the road of reform and stability, or to precipitate the situation. The Northern League, for the moment, he chose the first way and acts accordingly. The week policy has indeed registered the important meeting between our Federal Secretary Umberto Bossi and the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, on which the Minister for Regulatory Simplification Roberto Calderoni report in the House next week. Napolitano has never failed, especially in recent times, we always positive and enthusiastic references to federalism and the need that the same is carried out. The last of these references, however, goes back to his recent visit to Bergamo, during which the President of the Republic wanted to dwell once again the importance and need for reform. Are important signals, and add to the wish expressed by the Government, the last Council of Ministers, to put the trust on the municipal federalism. There will be so clear and democratic expression of a sovereign body, legitimately elected, to give imprimatur to further our reform. That was not rejected in bicameralina, as some members of the old bitterness and opposition to the new Government, as the Commission has just rejected the majority opinion of the rapporteur, Enrico La Loggia, on the decree reforming the municipal tax. The reform on fiscal federalism, then, go ahead and we are sure, will be in port soon. But we must put in mind that we are facing an opposition that does not discuss more on the substance of the measures and has decided to use only as an instrument of political struggle. Another problem, of course, but that does not stop our resolve to change this country.
Giacomo Stucchi
Some people solace with wiretaps involving the prime minister, or with sterile polemics on the celebrations of the next March 17, but there's those who think the government will continue getting things done. The league belongs to the latter category. Government and the majority must go on, because the citizens deserve neither legislative nor the stalemate institutional paralysis. Of course, to see the timing of certain judicial decisions, out of the President of the Council, there are really some doubt. Again, while the prime minister was involved in a major political agenda, the Council of Ministers convened to approve the plan to open a new phase of economic development, arrived on time the demand for immediate trial pm. According to the Milan prosecutor's office there is in fact the "evidence" that nailing Berlusconi, accused of extortion and prostitution. While wanting to maintain the serenity of opinion on the whole story, we can not see, in this circumstance, as the procedural process and politics intertwine dangerously. The reality is that probably we are at a crossroads: going down the road of reform and stability, or to precipitate the situation. The Northern League, for the moment, he chose the first way and acts accordingly. The week policy has indeed registered the important meeting between our Federal Secretary Umberto Bossi and the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, on which the Minister for Regulatory Simplification Roberto Calderoni report in the House next week. Napolitano has never failed, especially in recent times, we always positive and enthusiastic references to federalism and the need that the same is carried out. The last of these references, however, goes back to his recent visit to Bergamo, during which the President of the Republic wanted to dwell once again the importance and need for reform. Are important signals, and add to the wish expressed by the Government, the last Council of Ministers, to put the trust on the municipal federalism. There will be so clear and democratic expression of a sovereign body, legitimately elected, to give imprimatur to further our reform. That was not rejected in bicameralina, as some members of the old bitterness and opposition to the new Government, as the Commission has just rejected the majority opinion of the rapporteur, Enrico La Loggia, on the decree reforming the municipal tax. The reform on fiscal federalism, then, go ahead and we are sure, will be in port soon. But we must put in mind that we are facing an opposition that does not discuss more on the substance of the measures and has decided to use only as an instrument of political struggle. Another problem, of course, but that does not stop our resolve to change this country.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Genetics And Evolution Bio Lab
Already immediately after the vote of the Bicameral on Federalism, which appeared when it became clear that the debate did not concern more on the substantive issues of reform, but had become instrumental to the strategy of new and old opponents of the government to boycott the 'legislative action of the majority, we emphasized that the opinion was the result of a situation from the distorted representation of the important parliamentary body. The Northern League has as its objective the continuation of the experience of government, but to make reforms. We are and always will for dialogue, even more so when it comes to approve structural reforms, but there comes a time when we must pull the money and the government must go forward and not remain mired in the limbo of parliamentary procedures. It 'just what they seek some spoilers of democracy that for some' time have now decided to "undermine" the legislative measures: the parliamentary level, preventing that they can move forward; on the media plan, a campaign promoting disinformation. Ficale on federalism, for example, the actions of the usual cheerleaders on television Finian try to instill fear among the public that the reform will automatically result in an increase in taxes for all citizens. A fact that says a lot about what their attitude towards our reform, in particular, but I would say of the Government, as a whole. Without entering into the merits of legislative and administrative, fiscal federalism, which introduces in our system, just remember that the increase in tax burden at the local level is not a conditio sine qua non, but an eventuality that would relate only to local government inefficient squandering their resources or that they were not able to adopt the standard costs for municipal services to the citizens. In other words, higher taxes at the local level only cares about those who throw away, or used badly, the taxpayers' money. But we are more than confident that should your these circumstances, then it would be the first to the public not to renew the trust of their administrators. It seems clear, therefore, as the opposition intend to move forward on the path of propaganda just to make me look bad in the eyes of public opinion on the reform of fiscal federalism. In this, also benefited from the composition of standing committees, whose mission today is highly imbalanced. In these important organs, including that of the Bicameral on Federalism, which must express other opinions on the decrees, it is ironic that the political majority in fact does not result in a numerical superiority.
James Stucchi
Already immediately after the vote of the Bicameral on Federalism, which appeared when it became clear that the debate did not concern more on the substantive issues of reform, but had become instrumental to the strategy of new and old opponents of the government to boycott the 'legislative action of the majority, we emphasized that the opinion was the result of a situation from the distorted representation of the important parliamentary body. The Northern League has as its objective the continuation of the experience of government, but to make reforms. We are and always will for dialogue, even more so when it comes to approve structural reforms, but there comes a time when we must pull the money and the government must go forward and not remain mired in the limbo of parliamentary procedures. It 'just what they seek some spoilers of democracy that for some' time have now decided to "undermine" the legislative measures: the parliamentary level, preventing that they can move forward; on the media plan, a campaign promoting disinformation. Ficale on federalism, for example, the actions of the usual cheerleaders on television Finian try to instill fear among the public that the reform will automatically result in an increase in taxes for all citizens. A fact that says a lot about what their attitude towards our reform, in particular, but I would say of the Government, as a whole. Without entering into the merits of legislative and administrative, fiscal federalism, which introduces in our system, just remember that the increase in tax burden at the local level is not a conditio sine qua non, but an eventuality that would relate only to local government inefficient squandering their resources or that they were not able to adopt the standard costs for municipal services to the citizens. In other words, higher taxes at the local level only cares about those who throw away, or used badly, the taxpayers' money. But we are more than confident that should your these circumstances, then it would be the first to the public not to renew the trust of their administrators. It seems clear, therefore, as the opposition intend to move forward on the path of propaganda just to make me look bad in the eyes of public opinion on the reform of fiscal federalism. In this, also benefited from the composition of standing committees, whose mission today is highly imbalanced. In these important organs, including that of the Bicameral on Federalism, which must express other opinions on the decrees, it is ironic that the political majority in fact does not result in a numerical superiority.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Why Wont Denise Milani
a certain "political class" E 'deaf to the call of the People
Giacomo Stucchi
who hoped for a rapid sinking of the government, it's probably been disappointed. The dual vote in Parliament, in the bicameral Commission on federalism, and in the plenary on the report of the Council for authorization for the return of the cards on the Ruby case to the prosecutor of Milan, it may be a watershed in this term but do not determine alone the the same fate. There is still room, a bit 'on all fronts for government action to serve the country and the interests of all citizens but, above all, to prevent spoilers of democracy win. It would, indeed, all too easy after the tie vote in committee on federalism, with which it was expressed a rejection of the opinion the text of the measure, to withdraw confidence from the government and precipitate the situation. But the League is a movement and then held responsible for the time to move on. After all what happened in Bicameral of federalism is the direct result of a situation from the distorted representation of the important parliamentary body. One of its members, Senator Baldassarri, which had been in the majority, decided to side with Fini putting the reforms to the reason for the party. It 'obvious how, under these circumstances, the will of the people who in 2008 led to a clear electoral verdict, has been betrayed and trampled by those who have stopped playing politics to devote himself full time to the parliamentary ambushes against the government. For how long, and what things to do, the executive in charge will go ahead or not, will be the leaders of the majority to decide, but the fact is that the system in which we live, in those circumstances, it is farther democracy. What can I say other than, in fact, a country where a government, legitimately elected, to carry out his program has to go through Parliament in a real way undermined! The Northern League has long chosen democratic path to achieve those revolutionary reforms that the citizens are crying out for many years, but a certain "political class" is deaf to the call of the people. The same political class said "no" to the decree on municipal federalism not compelled by the desire to make a proposal different from that of the government, maybe that would take account of different points of view (and circumstance can always legitimate in a democracy), but because used the measure as a loose cannon to embarrass the Prime Minister Berlusconi and the majority supporting it. The conclusion of this nefarious business was so that Parliament has ceased to be the appointed place to find the best possible political synthesis between the political forces to become the arena of confrontation at all costs, even against all reasonable common sense.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Red Zinger Tea And Pregnancy
I do not win
Some sappers democracy fills her mouth with beautiful words in the name of the people, but then are the first to threaten the basic rules of democratic systems. Demanding the resignation of Berlusconi, in fact, he dismisses the fact of a legitimate government by popular vote, which instead has the right to move on to complete his program. If there is to go to a vote soon we shall see, and certainly will not hold back in the league, but the appeal at the ballot box can not be certain the will of D'Alema, or operator of Brancaleone he wants to put together! Just imagine them all on a stage, the various Fini, Casini and D'Alema, Di Pietro, Vendola, Veltroni, Bersani, Bindi, and perhaps a revived Bertinotti, in the second row and the various Bocchino, Granata, Enrico Letta, Donadio, and so on and and so forth, there really is to stay appalled. We'll see, but at the moment this is not the issue on the agenda of politics. The days we live it will not be remembered for bringing a sign antiberlusconiano election, which does not even have the merit of novelty, given that over the next fifteen years trying to put together, but for the biggest overhaul of the history of the Republic , that of fiscal federalism. To be successful the process legislation, and all the steps required to perform it, but you'd need weapons of patience and assume an attitude of dialogue. The confrontation does not help anyone or anything, so it's just what opponents of the change they want. Against federalism they actually invented all: divide the country, raises taxes, it increases public spending, it's just that the defendants lacked the invasion of locusts! The truth is that we are seeing a real clash between the old system, none of it to douse the flag, and who seeks the support of the parliamentary opposition groups, and that instead we would like the new building as soon as possible so that it can deploy quickly and well its positive effects. That's why you have to have patience and not let to be the focus of the debate there are facts that have nothing to do with either politics or with the activities of the Government. For too long now we discuss on our reform and the agreement just reached with the ANCI is a significant strength to keep going. Many mayors, even the opposing side, are in favor of federalism because they understood that it is an inevitable path to come off the shoals in which a centralized, cumbersome and inefficient, bogged us for too long, but also because they recognize that Fiscal federalism, by failing to base a ideological concept, it is neither right nor left.
Giacomo Stucchi
Some sappers democracy fills her mouth with beautiful words in the name of the people, but then are the first to threaten the basic rules of democratic systems. Demanding the resignation of Berlusconi, in fact, he dismisses the fact of a legitimate government by popular vote, which instead has the right to move on to complete his program. If there is to go to a vote soon we shall see, and certainly will not hold back in the league, but the appeal at the ballot box can not be certain the will of D'Alema, or operator of Brancaleone he wants to put together! Just imagine them all on a stage, the various Fini, Casini and D'Alema, Di Pietro, Vendola, Veltroni, Bersani, Bindi, and perhaps a revived Bertinotti, in the second row and the various Bocchino, Granata, Enrico Letta, Donadio, and so on and and so forth, there really is to stay appalled. We'll see, but at the moment this is not the issue on the agenda of politics. The days we live it will not be remembered for bringing a sign antiberlusconiano election, which does not even have the merit of novelty, given that over the next fifteen years trying to put together, but for the biggest overhaul of the history of the Republic , that of fiscal federalism. To be successful the process legislation, and all the steps required to perform it, but you'd need weapons of patience and assume an attitude of dialogue. The confrontation does not help anyone or anything, so it's just what opponents of the change they want. Against federalism they actually invented all: divide the country, raises taxes, it increases public spending, it's just that the defendants lacked the invasion of locusts! The truth is that we are seeing a real clash between the old system, none of it to douse the flag, and who seeks the support of the parliamentary opposition groups, and that instead we would like the new building as soon as possible so that it can deploy quickly and well its positive effects. That's why you have to have patience and not let to be the focus of the debate there are facts that have nothing to do with either politics or with the activities of the Government. For too long now we discuss on our reform and the agreement just reached with the ANCI is a significant strength to keep going. Many mayors, even the opposing side, are in favor of federalism because they understood that it is an inevitable path to come off the shoals in which a centralized, cumbersome and inefficient, bogged us for too long, but also because they recognize that Fiscal federalism, by failing to base a ideological concept, it is neither right nor left.
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