Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 Month Old And Anbesol


Giacomo Stucchi

To hear some comments from members of the opposition is still really stunned. Not so much for the opinions of the executive, understandably critical given that come from those who are in opposition (and now in a while '), but as for the idea that the left has the function of Government . We try to be more explicit. For the Northern League rule is to have a program on things to do, carry on in Parliament and, above all, give constantly accountable to the people. The principle is the same in the case of a region rather than a province or a municipality, where, however, the comparison with all political forces, it's useful. However, comes the moment when decisions are taken, even by majority vote. The legitimacy is given to the government by popular vote and the subsequent parliamentary majority, and hence the government decision, taken under the law are fully entitled. But there's more. A self-respecting government in office is required to make decisions, not to, in addition to keeping the country in a perpetual stalemate, would result in a grave responsibility before the voters. That said, the point is that whatever the measure adopted by the Berlusconi government, the reform on fiscal federalism than about justice, the safety measures on nuclear program, the left instead of comparing the merits of the proposals is limited to the usual obstructions. On the reform of justice, for example, this government is not entitled to it because the premier is indicted. On the nuclear recovery plan launched by the Prime Minister's office is just a bluff because in reality the government has no intention of taking it forward. What about fiscal federalism, this would be an illusory reform is useful only to the Northern League as a campaign ad. In short, we understood that for the left, probably remembering his recent experience leading the country, governing means only pretend to make decisions. It 's too easy, and convenient for those who are not responsible for the opposition and government, always throw it up on the bluff or who knows what else. They came even to deny the magnitude of the immigration, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, fortunately, has never taken seriously. The facts not only prove him right (to date, as the minister said in response to Question Time in the House, 11,285 immigrants arrived, only Tunisia, but in the end of 2010 it had reached 4,406, thanks to an agreement with Libya, that is no longer operational), but contradict the usual easy come of the left. Just think what would have happened if there had been at the Interior Ministry one of them!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Analysis Questions Lab 5


Giacomo Stucchi
The violence of the earthquake and tsunami that hit so hard in Japan burst into our homes with the power of television images. What is documented is probably only a fraction of what has happened in that distant land, but gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe immense cataclysm. By chance this disaster, with explosions of nuclear reactors, has become (if possible) even more serious and coincident with the debate on nuclear power in Italy, a few months after the celebration of the referendum promoted dall'Idv Di Pietro. Readers may perhaps seem surreal approach as the former PM to dramatic events of recent days but the policy of our country, and especially how to interpret some of the opposition, we would have to address that as well. If on one hand it is plain that what is happening in Japan inspire debate, inside and outside Parliament, whether or not a return to nuclear power, on the other hand seems rather out of place that the opposition tries to ride the events to revive the referendum. The choice of the forms of supply of a country, sometimes obliged, however, is too important to discuss, as they are doing Bersani Di Pietro and his ally, or the same members of the Greens only and only for equipment, and in addition the wave of emotion that inevitably provokes in people a tragedy like the one in place in Japan. In reality, the danger of catastrophic earthquakes like that which occurred in Japan, as determined by the conjunction of the planet in that part of four continental plates, fortunately is not the same that exists in Italy. What about the fact that, like it or not, also not wanting to build nuclear power plants in our area, however we will always close, with the consequences that this implies, that in France, Switzerland and Germany. When one cites the example of righteousness on the nuclear moratorium announced by Angela Merkel, one must also take into account the premier German makes reference to the old generation plant, built ten or fifteen years ago, which certainly did not have safety devices that are present in those instead of new generation. In short, the debate is open and it could be that we should discuss the advantages or disadvantages of nuclear power. What we do not believe either appropriate or politically correct is to transform the debate on nuclear power in yet another campaign against the Berlusconi government. Raising its atomic program the Executive has done, as is normal for all governments who care about the fate of their citizens, a political choice. This is no way and time to discuss, but not to make yet another argument for electoral purposes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Would A Wart Turn Black


Giacomo Stucchi

The dialogue in the bicameral Commission to bring to fruition a view shared by the majority and the opposition signed on federalism and regional health, shall and will need a few more days for comparison. Ben is a short period and then more work in the Commission if this leads to a good result after the specious arguments in its decision approving the decree on municipal federalism. There is, however, open another front on which the controversy blows strong oppositions, and all those (from trade associations to certain information) they do not want that the reforms are implemented in this country, and that is justice. Criticism of preventive Pd, which the mouth of the President of the Senate Anna Finocchiaro said the reform would be dictated only by a personal grudge against the President of the Council of the Judiciary, as well as statements by the deputy prosecutor in Milan, Armando Spataro , which announced that "there will be answers epochal epochal reforms" of the judiciary, give a fair reflection of the climate in which we operate. Apart from the content for the time of the reform of the judicial system launched by the Government, on which there will be time and opportunity to intervene in the coming days, the point is that as usual Executive and the majority, fully legitimized by the popular vote to move forward in their program, must deal with a climate barricadiero. This is called art by some politicians in opposition, with the help (sorry to say) of journalists militants of their political party. A couple of considerations are enough to make the idea. Support, for example, as do some television pundits in the salons of the Left, that the reform of the judicial system should be done without touching the roles and responsibilities of the judiciary is an oxymoron. It's like saying, for example, that we must reform the system of agricultural production of farmers, however, not to mention! And 'the inconclusiveness of the usual left. E 'success with the reform of the school which bears the signature of the Minister Gelmini, according to the usual Bersani and Di Pietro, we should have done without revisiting roles and responsibilities of key players in that field, or teachers. Or as was the case for the reform of civil procedure launched by the government in office that, according to the left, would have to do the following letter to the opinions of the professional association of civil lawyer. But please! How do you not understand that the reforms should be done not by looking to the interests of certain categories, but those of all citizens. What can be said of certain television programs, such as Exit La7, conducted by Mrs. D'Amico, who only follow the thread of left-wing propaganda? Some boycotters media, however, should resign because the ongoing reform process will continue in the interest of the sovereign people.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Footprint Angel Tattoo


Giacomo Stucchi

That the Northern League has an important role in the current policy framework is a fact that some 'all, both opponents and allies, we recognize. For this reason, feeling somehow responsible for being both a popular movement but also a decisive political force in Parliament, we always try to follow up words with deeds. As is happening on fiscal federalism, where the festivities are stored for the confidence obtained the House last week, is already working to bring home as soon as the decree on regional tax authorities. In light of the sun and without subterfuge, as is our style, then you are taking in the dialogue between the regions and the Ministers for Regulatory simplification and Roberto Calderoli for Relations with the Regions Raffaele Lease, to launch a text as possible is shared by all . On the reform of the judicial system, which is another point in the election manifesto presented to the voters at the time and he is working on the Keeper Alfano, the willingness to accept critical dialogue does not mean a priori, such as those of some judges who have already raised barricades. Wrong in our opinion also the time of the protest because, rather than commenting on the matter as published in the newspapers these days, it would be better to wait for the launch of the decision by the Government. The debate in Parliament, and not press releases or announcements thundering drums of war, is the instrument through which all political forces to discuss reform with knowledge of the facts and decided also to give space to the representations of the categories directly concerned so that they can have their say and contribute to the reform. In a democracy, how it works. Instead we find that some judges are already on a war footing and that the usual activities of a demolition peaceful political confrontation, by certain members of the old and new opponents of the government, is already in full swing. Fearful of losing their role as cheerleaders dell'antiberlusconismo, they would do anything to poison more and more the political climate and prevent constructive dialogue can be established on the theme of justice, as well as all the other issues that are on the table . At these extreme positions, needless to say, the usual excels Di Pietro that not only shows every time they do not want even talk about reforming the justice system, regardless of the content, but it is shamelessly using an important democratic institution, namely that for referendum , to launch yet another campaign against il premier.

Allergy To Face Creams


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Channel Au Nile Sat De Sportfreqence

BERGAMO - 05 / 03/11 - 25th ANNIVERSARY

Friday, March 4, 2011

Isabella Soprano At Cat House

Telenova Lombard League - 04/03/11 - TV show "Shadow Line"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Should My Cervix Feel Like


Giacomo Stucchi

On the House to ensure confidence in the Government's majority on the resolution on the text on the municipal fiscal federalism is one of those moments that will remain forever etched in our memory. This historic milestone could not be achieved without the foresight of our Federal Secretary Umberto Bossi, the perseverance of the Minister for Simplification Calderoli, and of course the cohesion of the parliamentary groups of the Northern League who have always spoken and acted in unison. For those who are married to a cause, even before a political project, you have helped to bring home this result has the flavor of a satisfaction all its own. Before the eyes have gone in a moment years of political struggle from the start, when to go around with our flags and our ideas to get you crazy, the long journey through the desert and, despite a resounding victory in terms of votes and parliamentary opposition, the League had to remain, to the disappointment with the outcome of the referendum on constitutional reform launched in 2006, we finally arrive at these difficult but extraordinary years of the Government. But two things are immediately highlighted. The first is that the whole legislative process to become fully operational, fiscal federalism has not ended. After the 'yes' to the confidence of the House, and the enactment of the implementing decree on federalism municipal definitively by the Council of Ministers (just arrived the day after the parliamentary vote), must now be approved other decrees of the reform still missing and are already being discussed in chambers. The second point is that, as rightly pointed Bossi, the opposition would do well to confidence vote on municipal federalism. Why? Firstly, because it would not have missed the opportunity to make a contribution, political and institutional framework, a reform which is now truly irreversible, and because it was consistent with what has been done in the first part of the current legislature, when the debate on fiscal federalism was not yet poisoned by the controversy over judicial affairs of the premier. The impression is that of old and new opponents Government there has been an attempt failed spectacularly, exacerbating the political climate, hoping to wipe out the ongoing reform process and the parliamentary majority legitimized by popular vote. On fiscal federalism, however, the opposition now has a second chance. The extension of four months of the enabling law on federalism, which was approved by the Council of Ministers, offers to all those who care about the fate of the country the chance to bury the hatchet of polemics and unnecessary equipment and to return to a frank dialogue and constructive.

Can You Wear A Mouthpiece With Braces

Lenno - 03/03/11 - MAYORS DINNER

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome Letter To Patient From Doctor


Giacomo Stucchi

The legislative process on fiscal federalism proceed expeditiously on two levels: in the House Chamber, where the Government has placed the trust on the decree for the municipal federalism, in the Bicameral where has already begun the discussion of the other decrees of the measure has not yet approved. An asset to all and sundry that shows the will of the government to move forward on the path of reform, is the obstinacy of the League than ever arretrerĂ  an inch in the function of driving force to the executive. The action of the Government therefore supported by the parliamentary work in plenary and committees (which often turns out to be crucial), it stops and actually meets the old and new emergencies. The sacrifice of another Alpine engaged in a rescue mission in Afghanistan, as well as the Libyan crisis (whose markets are still uncertain and the consequences of which, for many reasons, not concern us directly), and of course all the deadlines of internal policy are at stake, remind us how we must never lower our guard. But everything could be simpler, or if you want more useful to citizens, at least on some issues if you were acting in the national interest and not of their own political party. The European Union's inaction in the crisis of North Africa is, for example, a problem against which we should join forces. The'Europa can pretend not to see what happens to its southern borders, but if indeed the exodus of refugees from the southern shores of the Mediterranean becomes manifest in all its majesty feared, then, that this would be a real problem which all twenty-seven EU member states should necessarily bear! But there's more. What are in fact the regular meetings of the organs of parliamentary representation in Europe, if this work does not translate into concrete action to intervene when it is objectively necessary? Faced with the difficulty of obtaining assistance measures by the Community institutions, to deal with the consequences of the North African country's political forces more exposed should speak with one voice and strongly denounce the indifference of bureaucrats in Brussels. Compared to what is happening outside our house is just to speak out, together, against the unreasonableness of an institution that words alone proclaims the principles and values \u200b\u200bfor which the solidarity, communion of intent, the constructive spirit, but then pull back, or not present itself at all when it comes to pass from words to deeds. There is a time for political discussion and even controversy, the right ingredients, legitimate and necessary in any democracy worthy of respect, but there is also a time for sharing the same interests necessarily just, but especially common.