Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Analysis Questions Lab 5


Giacomo Stucchi
The violence of the earthquake and tsunami that hit so hard in Japan burst into our homes with the power of television images. What is documented is probably only a fraction of what has happened in that distant land, but gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe immense cataclysm. By chance this disaster, with explosions of nuclear reactors, has become (if possible) even more serious and coincident with the debate on nuclear power in Italy, a few months after the celebration of the referendum promoted dall'Idv Di Pietro. Readers may perhaps seem surreal approach as the former PM to dramatic events of recent days but the policy of our country, and especially how to interpret some of the opposition, we would have to address that as well. If on one hand it is plain that what is happening in Japan inspire debate, inside and outside Parliament, whether or not a return to nuclear power, on the other hand seems rather out of place that the opposition tries to ride the events to revive the referendum. The choice of the forms of supply of a country, sometimes obliged, however, is too important to discuss, as they are doing Bersani Di Pietro and his ally, or the same members of the Greens only and only for equipment, and in addition the wave of emotion that inevitably provokes in people a tragedy like the one in place in Japan. In reality, the danger of catastrophic earthquakes like that which occurred in Japan, as determined by the conjunction of the planet in that part of four continental plates, fortunately is not the same that exists in Italy. What about the fact that, like it or not, also not wanting to build nuclear power plants in our area, however we will always close, with the consequences that this implies, that in France, Switzerland and Germany. When one cites the example of righteousness on the nuclear moratorium announced by Angela Merkel, one must also take into account the premier German makes reference to the old generation plant, built ten or fifteen years ago, which certainly did not have safety devices that are present in those instead of new generation. In short, the debate is open and it could be that we should discuss the advantages or disadvantages of nuclear power. What we do not believe either appropriate or politically correct is to transform the debate on nuclear power in yet another campaign against the Berlusconi government. Raising its atomic program the Executive has done, as is normal for all governments who care about the fate of their citizens, a political choice. This is no way and time to discuss, but not to make yet another argument for electoral purposes.


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